Legal Articles 

SHIP MORTGAGE IN TURKISH MARITIME LAW Maritime Law plays a pivotal role in Turkey’s economy, with ships being central to commercial activities. Acquiring ships usually involves credit arrangements, with mortgages serving as primary security for such loans. This article delves into the intricacies of ship...

Which Changes Were Brought by the 13.09.2018 Amendment of the Law on Protection of the Value of Turkish Currency? Baris Erkan Celebi, Attorney at Law ABSTRACT The Presidential Order dated 13.09.2018 prohibited the fixing, determining or payment of the contract prices at foreign currency for...

Lawyer Baris Erkan Celebi I. INTRODUCTION Expert opinion (also known as scientific opinion or special opinion) has been regulated for the first time by Article 293 of the Code of Civil Procedure No. 6100 (“CCP”). According to Article 293, each party may obtain a scientific...

1980 “UNITED NATIONS TREATY ON CONTRACTS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS” (VIENNA SALE CONVENTION OR CISG) Lawyer Baris Erkan Celebi SUMMARY The Vienna Sales Convention was drafted in 1977 by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), which was established in 1966...

SHIPOWNER’S RIGHT TO LIMIT LIABILITY AND BREAKING THE LIMITATION UNDER THE 1976 LONDON CONVENTION Attorney at Law Barış Erkan Çelebi PREAMBLE Limiting the liability of shipowners in maritime commerce has always been the subject of hot debates. On one hand, shipowners make considerable investments, due...

Baris Erkan CELEBİ, Attorney at Law ABSTRACT In joint-stock companies law, it is prohibited for people who are involved in the decision-taking mechanism of the company to carry out commercial transactions independently from the company within the work field of the company or to...