Translated Power of Attorney in English and Turkish Language for use in Turkey

IMPORTANT NOTE: This draft PoA is a sample similar to the ones that are signed in a Turkish Public Notary in Turkish language. The English draft is for your information. To make sure that you are issuing it correctly, please consult your attorney first.
VEKALETNAME VEKİL EDEN: ___ | POWER OF ATTORNEY I, ___, hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Advocate Barış Erkan Çelebi from Antalya Bar Association as my attorney with power to represent me, in any capacity and entitlement in all suits and proceedings on behalf and/or against me before all degrees of courts, authorities, chambers and institutions of the Republic of Turkey, to perform and finalize any and all kinds of formalities and operations which are deemed fit and necessary for the protection of my rights and interests, to file suits and re-file suits when necessary, to prepare and sign necessary petitions and documents and to submit them to relevant authorities and institutions, to notify and take delivery of notifications, to request clarification and revision of judgements, to appeal judgement before courts of appeal and court of cassation, to represent me and to request and attend hearings before District Judicial Courts, District Administrative Courts, Court of Cassation, High Court of Administration and other administrative, financial and judicial authorities, to request the correction of decisions and re-examination of judgments, to request for witnesses to be heard and to file complaints, file motion by exercising my right to lodge individual application before Constitutional Court of Turkey and European Court of Human Rights, to carry out and finalize all relevant legal procedures, to appoint any and all experts, auditors, arbitrators and/or revoke them, to request discovery, to object to reports, to request any and all surveys, to send all letters and notifications and to answer them, to notify termination, to pursue enforcement proceedings of judgments and orders, to request court decision to exclude from attending hearings, to request and obtain interim injunction and seizure, to submit bids at tenders, to collect debt paid at execution offices and courts, to attend all hearings, to settle, to accept or reject settlement offers, to request the suspension of the declaration of court sentence, to request recognition and enforcement of foreign court judgments, to request and obtain my criminal record, to make declaration of my property, to settle, challenge and reject judges, to request amendment of legal action, to offer, accept and reject oaths, to request to remove seizure, to declare bankruptcy, to enter into arbitration agreement and to appoint arbitrators, to request and to accept concordatum or reconstruction of capital companies or corporations through settlement, to apply for alternative dispute resolution methods, to apply for mediator, to appoint mediator, to represent me during mediation process and meetings with full authority, to end these proceedings if necessary, to sign all sheets and agreements, to pursue and to finalize these, to waive from all legal actions, to accept waivers from all legal actions, to relieve and discharge the other parties and to accept their legal actions, to request revision of judgements, to file for compensation against the government for the actions of judges, to request for sale in partnership dissolution cases, to deposit guarantees, to make bids, to return guarantees, to waive the right to tender, and to take delivery, to appoint, collaborate with and dismiss other attorneys for some or all of these authorizations. CLIENT: ___ |