Legal Templates

Translated Power of Attorney Divorce in English and Turkish Language for use in Turkey IMPORTANT NOTE: This draft PoA is a sample similar to the ones that are signed in a Turkish Public Notary in Turkish language. The English draft is for your information. To...

Translated Power of Attorney Work Permit in English and Turkish Language for use in Turkey IMPORTANT NOTE: This draft PoA is a sample similar to the ones that are signed in a Turkish Public Notary in Turkish language. The English draft is for your information....

HOW TO WRITE A LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT IN TURKEY FOR FOREIGNERS Disclaimer: Do not Write a Will Without Legal Support This article is merely a review of a small portion of Turkish inheritance laws and cannot be construed as a legal advice for anyone’s...

Translated Power of Attorney in English and Turkish Language for use in Turkey IMPORTANT NOTE: This draft PoA is a sample similar to the ones that are signed in a Turkish Public Notary in Turkish language. The English draft is for your information. To make...