Social Security Supports for Foreign Investors in Turkey

Social Security Supports for Foreign Investors in Turkey
Social Security Supports for Foreign Investors in Turkey

Social Security Supports: What Do They Offer Foreign Investors?

What Are Social Security Supports?

Social security supports encompass the rights that foreign investors in Turkey provide to their employees regarding social security. Companies investing in Turkey can integrate into the social security system, offering their employees health, retirement, and unemployment insurance rights. In addition to these rights, foreign investors can benefit from certain incentives to increase their investments.

What Incentives Are Available for Foreign Investors?

There are various incentives for foreign investors in Turkey. These incentives are provided by local governments and the state. For instance, social security premium supports lighten the financial burden on companies. Additionally, foreign investors can enjoy tax reductions and land allocation advantages in certain regions.

What Are the Social Security Rights for Foreign Investors?

Foreign investors can provide the following social security rights to their employees in Turkey:

  1. Health Insurance: Employees can benefit from the health services offered by the state.
  2. Retirement Rights: After working for a certain period, employees can have the right to retire.
  3. Unemployment Insurance: In the event of unemployment, employees can receive income support for a specific period.

These rights help foreign investors protect their employees and enhance the quality of the workforce.

In Which Areas Are Social Security Supports Applied?

Social security supports are applied across various sectors. Particularly in construction, tourism, and service sectors, the increasing foreign investments highlight the need for integration into the social security system. Foreign companies can gain a competitive advantage by benefiting from these incentives in Turkey.

How Can Foreign Investors Obtain Support?

Foreign investors should first contact a company lawyer in Turkey to take advantage of social security supports and incentives. An expert lawyer can assist with the preparation of necessary documents and the submission of applications throughout the investment process. Moreover, companies operating in tourist areas like Antalya can secure their investments by obtaining local legal support.