TEN Law Members Meet in Bellinzona, Switzerland
The Annual General Meeting of TEN Law was held from May 9th to 12th, 2024, in Bellinzona, Switzerland. The meeting was hosted by the Legal Ferrari Rei Law Firm from Bellinzona. Law firms from over 20 European countries attended the annual meeting. During the event, the members visited the Swiss Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona.
Baris Erkan Celebi Becomes the Exclusive Turkish Member of TEN Law – The European Network of Law Firms
During the meeting, Av. Baris Erkan Celebi, following a brief presentation of his Antalya Law Firm, was made the exclusive Turkish member of the TEN Law network. Baris Erkan Celebi and his colleagues discussed pressing issues within their respective legal systems and exchanged ideas for future collaboration.

What is TEN Law?
TEN Law – The European Network of Law Firms is an international network comprising law firms from over 20 European countries, namely; Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
How Does Ten Law Membership Work?
TEN Law members meet annually share knowledge about each other’s legal systems, collaborate on cross-border disputes and build trusted relationships. TEN Law brings together internationally oriented and commercially minded law firms from each European country. Only one law firm from each country is selected for the prestigious TEN Law membership.
Turkish Member of Ten Law The European Network of Law Firms Baris Erkan Celebi’s international law firm in Turkey is a proud member of Ten Law: The European Network of Law Firm What is Ten Law? Ten Law is an international network of law firms...